Odessa Lamb
Odessa Lamb
Odessa Lamb
Odessa Lamb
Odessa Lamb
Odessa Lamb
Odessa Lamb
Odessa Lamb
Odessa Lamb

Odessa Lamb

Sale price$75.00
Size:4-7 SQFT
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  • Skin Type: Lamb
  • Tannage: Semi-Veg
  • Dyeing Process: Semi-Aniline
  • Thickness: 1.0 mm - 1.1 mm / 2-2.5 oz.
  • Uses: Apparel, Jackets, Bags, Accessories

Odessa is a semi-veg, semi-aniline tanned lamb skin. It features vintage, distressed look with a supple hand. It is ideal for apparel such as jackets, but it's also perfect for small accessories or bags because of its amazing body and feel.

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